August 2018 - Sarthak Foundation, Lucknow
Sarthak Foundation is a non-government organization which provides free and quality education to deprived children.
To know more about the organization click
We find delight in the beauty and happiness of children. We visited the children at Sarthak Foundation on August 6th 2018 to celebrate our success by contributing a part with these children. We grow when we help others to grow.
in3 employees pitched in with their financial contributions to buy books, stationery, eatables, and recreational items such as Cricket and Softball bats, tennis balls, soccer ball, badminton kit and many other items.
Here are some photographs:

Items purchased through individual contributions for Sarthak

in3 volunteers with children supported by Sarthak

Excited children line up to receive goodies

Left: Patiently waiting for their turn. Right: Shipra Tiwari, one of in3 volunteers

Ashutosh Krishan taking a selfie