Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization which was established in 1976 with the vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Habitat for Humanity works on bringing this vision to reality by a concept called 'partnership housing'; which centers on those in need of adequate shelter working side-by-side with volunteers to build simple, decent houses with affordable, no interest financing.
Once in3 colleagues had been split up into smaller teams, some decided to work inside, while a few stayed on outdoors to work on the exterior of the homes. Our outdoor team worked on decking for the roof of the porch, as well as putting up the house trim. Meanwhile, the team indoors worked on setting up fire blocks throughout the homes, as well as adding sealant to all the windows.
Overall, this was a very rewarding experience for entire in3 team and we enjoyed helping with the progress of the build site.
For more information, see - Habitat for Humanity